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Latest Update on What Causes Acne Breakouts and How to Treat It 

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Acne could happen to anyone of any age, and not just teenagers. In today’s modern world, the latest updates on what causes acne breakouts include bacteria-covered cellphones, unwashed pillowcases, processed food, frequent travelling, overly tight clothes, and lack of cleansing. These are all common factors causing acne in Singapore. How do we treat these acne breakouts? Read on to find out what are the medical conditions that cause acne, and how to prevent pimples on the face forever. 

What Causes Acne Breakouts and How to Pick the Perfect Product to Prevent Acne Breakouts

What causes acne breakouts? Here are some of the most common medical conditions: 

  1. Hormonal imbalance 

Pregnant women, teenagers, or adults on drugs may undergo drastic hormone changes. Some women experience extensive breakouts after giving birth or during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy when the sebaceous glands go into overdrive. This is also the time when kids lose a lot of hair, acquire weight, and their bodies go through a lot of changes. Adult acne can develop as a result of starting or discontinuing contraception. Changes in estrogen, progesterone and other hormone levels associated with menopause can sometimes cause acne.

  1. Drugs 

Many medications have been linked to adult acne. As a result, the medical issue itself may not be to blame for the acne; rather, the medications used to treat the illness may be to blame. As previously indicated, many contraceptive tablets keep hormones in balance, and abruptly starting or stopping them might result in severe cystic acne on the neck, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Acne can also be caused by medications containing iodine, steroids, and other hormones. “Steroidal acne” raises corticosteroid levels in the blood, causing breakouts all over the face, neck, and back. Epilepsy medicine, which is used to prevent seizures, can produce severe acne on the face, neck, and back. Acne can sometimes be caused by anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications.

  1. Circulatory issues 

Smokers frequently have blood circulation difficulties, which are a significant cause of acne. Cigarette nicotine contains carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which can harm the lungs and heart and disrupt regular circulation. Healthy blood is required to keep pollutants at bay and to combat skin problems.

  1. PCOS 

Thousands of women in their 30s and 40s suffer from the polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is caused by a lack of insulin and an increase in estrogen levels. Acne is considerably worse in overweight women with PCOS, causing severe breakouts on the chin, around the mouth, and cheeks, among other places. PCOS acne treatment includes the use of antibiotics for an extended period of time, dietary adjustments, and progesterone or hormone therapy.

  1. Pyoderma faciale 

This form of acne is common in women aged 20 to 40. It is accompanied by painful nodules as well as acne on the front neck and jaw-line. Although the acne will clear up within a year, it may cause lasting and significant scarring.

  1. Acne fulminans 

This type of adult acne is more common in men. It is characterized by cystic acne and excessive scarring, and it is most common in males who use testosterone. Aching joints and fever may accompany the disorder.

  1. Acne conglobata 

This is a prevalent medical disease that affects persons in their thirties. It is distinguished by severe acne on the chest, arms, face, upper back, thighs, and other areas. Acne lesions frequently burst out and form linked masses. The cysts may ulcerate, resulting in large-scale scarring. In certain circumstances, the acne may appear to clear up only to reappear as new cysts. This condition can be extremely harmful to one’s self-esteem.

With so many causal factors of acne, how can we pick the perfect product to prevent acne breakouts? 

First, you need to establish good facial hygiene practices. Washing and washing your skin removes oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and other contaminants that you may have been exposed to during the day. It has no effect on how much oil your skin generates, but eliminating oil and other particles can help keep your pores clear.

Many over-the-counter cleaners contain chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which can help remove particles from your skin and unclog your pores. Find one that works for you and use it at least twice a day.

Choose water-based cosmetics and avoid silicones and mineral oil. Look for products that are labelled oil-free or non-comedogenic, as these won’t clog your pores. In place of moisturizer, we recommend using a primer. Primer helps the foundation last longer and provides a pleasant, smooth finish to the skin, and it is a wonderful alternative to moisturizer for people who suffer from acne. Avoid primers containing silicon. 

Do avoid cosmetics that combine sunscreen and skin foundation because many sunscreen-containing foundations contain a lot of oil. Separating oil-free sunscreen and oil-free foundation will be your best bet. Use sunscreen on a daily basis. 

 Use These 6 Tips to Prevent Acne Breakouts

In addition to getting your skincare products right, here are some life tips that will help you prevent acne breakouts: 

  1. Wipe down your phone to keep it clean, and try to avoid prolonged contact between your phone and your face. Clean all your electronic items regularly as they are bound to be carriers of bacteria. 
  2. Wash your pillowcase, face towel, and all other household items that you come into contact with on a regular basis. This prevents the accumulation of bacteria. 
  3. Wearing other items that can irritate your skin for extended periods of time should be avoided. Bras, turtleneck shirts, and sports helmets are good examples. This prevents the build-up of sweat, bacteria, and the eventual culmination of skin rashes. 
  4. Change your diet 
    • Choose low glycemic index foods over high glycemic index foods 

When we eat food, our bodies transform carbs into sugar (glucose), which we then use for energy. The pace at which those carbs are converted into sugar determines whether a food has a low or high glycemic index (GI). Low GI foods reduce inflammation and testosterone levels in the body, which can considerably alleviate acne. Look out for foods with higher fibre (for example, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) as they have a lower GI score.

    • Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids while reducing your consumption of saturated fat.

Saturated fats cause inflammation, but omega-3 fatty acids inhibit it. Fish, as well as certain nuts and seeds, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Not only can omega-3 fatty acids keep your skin healthy and help with acne, but they’ve also been connected to heart, eye, and brain benefits.

    • Replace dairy products with non-dairy alternatives. 

There’s a chance that milk will aggravate your acne. If your acne is uncontrollable, consider eliminating or lowering milk from your diet, or switching to non-dairy milk substitutes such as almond milk or oat milk. Remember to get your calcium and vitamin D from other sources as well.

  1. Get adequate sleep and exercise regularly. Sleep deprivation can raise your stress hormone (cortisol) levels and exacerbate your acne. Exercising stimulates the release of endorphins, which make you feel better and less anxious.
  2. Avoid excessively scrubbing, exfoliating, or touching your skin. Excessive scrubbing or exfoliating can aggravate acne by destroying all of the healthy skin cells that typically protect your skin. It might also contribute to increased irritation. While washing, avoid popping or squeezing your acne. It has the potential to irritate your skin and transmit bacteria.


Now that we fully understand what causes acne breakouts and how to treat them, our final advice is to seek out the guidance of qualified professionals who can guide you through your acne removal journey. More often than not, it’s not possible to get rid of acne by yourself, and hence the most cost-effective and result-oriented solution would be to look for acne centres such as Eeva Medical Aesthetics, which is well-versed in acne and acne scar removal in Singapore. We provide a comprehensive acne treatment tailored to your specific skin condition, keeping in mind your budget and lifestyle preferences. On top of that, we restore the youthful glow in your skin. Contact us today to receive the latest options in acne removal treatments. 

Eeva Medical Aesthetic Clinic